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Listen to this important timely message from Jonanthan Cahn
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Was Covid-19 a warning from God? How will this Covid affect the election? Steve Strang, the Founder of Charisma Magazine, and author of God, Trump & Covid-19- How the Pandemic Is Affecting America's 2024 Election, says the corona virus was a manufactured weapon that was accidentally released. How can the government mandate churches to stop singing? The Leftist 电脑vp软件 claims slavery was the basis of our capitalist system. If Trump loses, we will see a great depression. Cut of 电脑上vp saying rewritten history makes our founders villains! Trump is a Churchill needed for times like now.好用的PC端的vp

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"Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany because of the economic collapse, lawlessness and chaos," says 94 year-old Kitty Werthmann. The Nazi Party was the Socialist Party. Guns were registered then confiscated. Handicapped people were euthanized. Hitler sounded like a pro-family American politician. School children were indoctrinated, the cross of Christ came down and a picture of Hitler went up. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many Germans said Hitler was a gift from God.

LISTENElecting Righteous Leaders
Libby Emmon tells how schools are teaching racial prejudice by teaching students that their worth is based on skin color! When half the Christians don't vote, how are they being the salt Christ told us to be? Pastor Bishop EW Jackson, says, "In this country we choose our leaders. Socialism eliminates freedom and brings economic stagnation and oppression. God is not finished with America and wants to bring victory and revival if God's people do their part. Do we want socialism or limited government under our Constitution?" He gives a most powerful, passionate oration using the Bible to motivate Christians.电脑免费vp推荐

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Our nation is as divided as any time in history. What does the Bible say about globalism? God has blessed America as no other nation, but we've expelled God from our schools and society. Paul McGuire, author of 「广州市惠正信息科技有限公司招聘」-BOSS直聘:2021-6-10 · BOSS直聘为求职者提供2021年最新广州市惠正信息科技有限公司招聘,更有广州市惠正信息科技有限公司的公司简介、公司地址、产品介绍、公司环境、CEO高管资料众及在线的BOSS伔,广州市惠正信息科技有限公司正在线直聘8条职位,找工作就 ..., says in the coming one-world globalism, you will be required to take the mark of the beast or be martyred. Two-thirds of young evangelicals believe non-Christians can go to heaven without Christ. God could allow a catastrophe to bring America to repentance. Russia and China are serious threats.

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